Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Deancey is my most unorganized, off task child in the class. Yet at the same time he is so loving, and kind hearted in the class. He loves to help others, and push in their chairs without being asked. When he's excited about finishing his work he will raise his arms up, and scream "I AM DONE MISS!" He is always smiling, and he never complains.


  1. Cool kid! They're all definitely going to miss you.

  2. Hi Caitlin,
    Deancey will be a handsome young man one day. Does he know tick tack toe? Or fun games, wish I could think of some, but to get an interaction with others. He may grow out of it. Are there missionarys there to teach them that Jesus the son of God loves them, & can give them peace in hard times as they reach out to Him. That salvation plan that is so simple. Well dear I am sure your a breath of fresh air for these young ones. As you lay hands on them through the day, just pray in your heart that their eyes will be open and they will find the love of Christ in their lives. That could be another mission for you as you interact with them. The love of God in your heart will always show through.
    Blessing Dear One!
