Thursday, February 17, 2011


When I first met Louis, he was very quiet and shy. He would do his work quickly and quietly, and he was very polite. He then warmed up to me after my 3rd week of being here. I would catch him standing on his chair when I would turn my back to grab something. He would turn his finished paper in by doing a cartwheel towards my desk. His favorite thing to do though is run out into the street and dance as we are on our way back from lunch. I have learned to keep my eye on Louis who is filled with energy ALL DAY LONG. Every time I tell him to calm down, or keep quiet, he simply smiles and says, "Ok Miss Caitlin." But then 2 minutes later he's back to doing a cartwheel or dancing on his chair :) Louis has been a handful while teaching, but I will say he has made the day more interesting after each stunt he performs during the day.

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