Monday, February 7, 2011


This is Grace. She is the "mom" of the class. She loves to
help out the other students when I can't help the other kids. She loves giving hugs, and she loves to ask me when my "baby in my tummy" is coming out so she can play with it. The picture picture below is her at the art show she won. Her fish picture wash chosen out of all the kindergartners on the island to be printed in the school calendar for next year! She was so proud!


  1. Yes she is a cutie and her picture is neet and creative. Is it the colorful one or the mutted designs. Would you email the answer to me at She has a happy demure on that darling smiling face. Do you wish you could spend a little more time with them? They are just getting use to you. But no place like home, I know. Love Nana

  2. So, when is the baby in your belly coming? HAHA :) This is Meghann, not Rob
