Sunday, February 13, 2011


Skye is my youngest student. He technically should be in K4 but he was more advanced than the rest of the K4 so he skipped into K5. He is a very hard worker when he puts his mind to it. Skye loves giving me hugs, he wraps both his arms around my waist every morning and gives me a big bear hug. After Skye gives me his giant bear hugs, I get a giant stain on the bottom of my shirt. Without fail, this has happened everyday.
Skye also can have the biggest and saddest pout face in the WORLD. When he does something that he knows he shouldn't be doing, and I tell him to stop, he begins to get his pout face on, and it is IMPOSSIBLE for me to be mad at him. He has the biggest crocodile tears and just looks down at the floor.
His smile though is the best thing in the world and lights up my day :) Even with a mouthful of pizza!

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