Thursday, February 3, 2011

Favorite Things

Here are a few things my class has told me that I have to share with all of you:

"My class today asked me when the baby in my tummy would be coming out. They then proceeded to come up and feel my tummy and told me they could feel the baby kicking"

"Teacher, you cannot go home until the snow stops snowing in States, because I do not want you to get stuck in a snowball"

"I was writing cursive on the chalkboard and the class was throwing a fit because I didn't do it the "correct" way. Then a student started crying saying the class needed to stop making fun of me. The students then proceeded to tell me how great my S looked, my T was gorgeous, and my A was outstanding. Then one student said, Teacher your T is beautiful but your D is very very ugly"

"Teacher, why does your hair always have to be so high? Were you born that way?"

Yes my students have made me smile throughout the weeks, and I am loving every minute of it!


  1. Kids do say the funniest things don't they?!
    The comment about your hair!! That just makes me laugh too!!! And the snowball comment, with all the snow we've had I bet we could make a snowball you could fit into.
    Keep up the good work sweetie!
    I love you! Love, mom xoxoxox

  2. Sounds like you have put on some weight in your tummy from all of the 'good' food you have been finding to eat there! :) Now you know why I've enjoyed working with kids all these years. Love you and are soooo proud of you!!

  3. Hahaha! That's funny! I know you're enjoying those kids :)
